
positive musique

OK so you want to make some music. I mean electronic music. So let’s talk about a free cloud based DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) : BANDLAB. With this kind of tool, you’ll be able to start your career as a famous beatmaker, yes really but you’ll be able to just start it. Anyway, this marvelous cloud webapp has a lot of interesting features. On Youtube, bandlab is sponsored by an artist called Eumonik, his idea is to not waste your time with software configuration, just make more music!


As a high skilled journalist with many years of experience, I can tell you what is digital music. I’ve made a quick search on Google and I’ve clicked on the wikipedia link. Okay, I’m sure every journalist in the world is doing this, maybe with a few more searches. New technology provides new habits, new rules. In this new digital business, almost anybody can make a living of his music recorded at home.


It's a shame this website doesn't have any dislike button. This guy, koby... What a fraud, why does he want to post something, where is the dislike button ? I know you could think this, it even could happen in a near future... Or not, if my marketing director is unable to promote my public diary correctly. Let's be honest, nobody reads it. Let me dislike my marketing director.


beautiful sunset in senegal

Ceci est un bulletin météo sur une journée d’école. Quotidien : des fractions avec risque de nombres décimaux. Une époque qui fait faire des évaluations. Situation inégale pour travailler sous le préau.


First of all, my nickname is Koby. I have decided to start this (micro)blog probably for myself, like a remedy for mid-life crisis but also to share my thoughts with the world. Yes, I'm dreaming big and I start small, as I've read in many personal improvement articles. As you might understand, I'm French and I prefer to write in English, to improve my writing in this language and to reach a huge audience (as said, yes, I'm dreaming big).


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